My Venue Profile
- How do people planning events find my profile?
- How can I preview my profile?
- What are the most important components to include in my profile?
- How do I add pricing to my profile and what information can I include?
- How do I upload or edit photos/videos on my profile?
- How do I add or edit the descriptive text on my profile?
- How are prospects generated from Eventective?
- What's the difference between Referrals and Leads?
- Where do I view my Referrals?
- Can I add prospects from external sources to Eventective?
- Can I use an inquiry form on my website?
- What are Stages?
- What is the Inbox and how can I use it?
- Where can I see my event requests?
- The importance of responding quickly
- How do I respond to an event request through Eventective?
- How do I create or edit a custom template for replying to event requests?
- Will the Inbox track my email messages?
Lead Market
- How does the Lead Market work for venues?
- How do I access my Leads?
- How do I purchase a Lead?
- How do I delete Leads?
- How do I select preferences for the types of Leads I receive?
- How do I change the email address where Leads are sent?
- How do I create an agreement?
- Where can I edit or change the event details in my agreement?
- Where can I edit the event schedule, including setup and breakdown times, in my agreement?
- What are functions?
- How can I set up the event costs in my agreement?
- How can I set up my own billable items to avoid having to re-enter them in every agreement?